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Almond oil

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11.00 $22.00 $

45 in stock

  • Scientific Name: Prunus amygdalus, Family: Rosaceae
  • Parts used: Nuts
  • Method of extraction: cold pressed
  • Appearance : Light to pale yellow
  • Purity: 100%
  • Main active ingredients : Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and zinc.
  • Main uses: Increased Heart Health, Good Source of Vitamin E, Healthy Weight Maintenance, Sun Damage and Aging Prevention, Moisturize your skin, Apply it to extra dry spots, Used as a facial cleanser, Lighten your scars and marks, Reduce puffiness and under-eye circles, Reduce the appearance of acne, Soothe flaking and itching of the scalp, Promote hair growth, Strengthens and repairs hair and Body Massage and Aromatherapy.
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 The Almond is the “King Of Nuts”? It’s full of healthy fats, fiber, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals that make it a nutritional powerhouse!

Today, Almonds and Almond Oil are popular as rich sources of nutrients. You might have come across nutritionists advising people to add Almonds to their daily diet and beauty experts recommending self-massage with the oil to nourish the skin.

The Almond oil obtained simply by cold-pressing the sweet almond nuts is unrefined Almond oil and retains most of these nutrients and the original flavor of the oil.

Active ingredients:

The four most important nutrients found in Sweet Almond oil are Vitamin E, Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Omega-3 Fatty Acids, and zinc.

Oil also contains essential fatty acids, proteins, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and copper.

Benefits of Almond Oil

1. Increased Heart Health 

 A majority of the fat in almond oil is monounsaturated fat(good fat).

Studies have shown that in a healthy diet, substituting carbs with monounsaturated fats can lower blood pressure, improve lipid levels and reduce your risk of cardiovascular issues. Monounsaturated fats can also decrease harmful LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol.

2. Good Source of Vitamin E

Free radical molecules cause damage to cells and may contribute to cardiovascular disease and cancer.

Vitamin E works as a great antioxidant in stopping free radicals from inflicting this damage, which may help prevent or delay chronic diseases. In addition, antioxidants like vitamin E support immune function.

3. Healthy Weight Maintenance

When it comes to weight loss, it seems counterintuitive to add fats to your diet. While it is true that a diet high in unhealthy fats is linked to weight gain, healthy fats have the opposite effect. One study showed that a diet high in monounsaturated fats promotes benefits in weight loss and body composition.

Monounsaturated fats like those in almond oil support several important functions, including:

  • Providing energy for your body.
  • Providing crucial fatty acids your body cannot make on its own.
  • Building cell walls.
  • Helping your body absorb vitamins A, D, E and K.
  • Insulating your body and protecting your organs.

Weight loss is multifaceted. However, substituting almond oil for other saturated and trans fats in your diet can play a part in overall weight loss, weight maintenance and wellness.

4. Sun Damage and Aging Prevention

 Prolonged exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) radiation can cause damage to your cell’s DNA and lead to skin damage or skin cancer. UV also makes skin inflammation and impaired wound healing.

The combination of these effects adds up to accelerated skin aging. According to one study, UV rays may account for up to 80 percent of visible aging. This includes skin dryness, wrinkling and impaired pigmentation. Clearly, UV rays pose a dangerous threat to your skin. Applying sunscreen is one way to fight against these rays. And you can also use almond oil because of Vitamin A that  stimulates the production of new skin cells, which helps in reducing fine lines. And also Vitamin E provides the oil with its antioxidant properties that prevent the cell damage due to UV rays of the sun. and Omega-3 Fatty Acids help in preventing premature aging and, zinc helps in healing the skin scars.

  1. Moisturize your skin

Almond oil gets soaked in our skin quickly, which makes it a powerful and effective moisturizer. You can apply it on the face as well as the body. Some people like to add essential oils and use Almond oil as the carrier oil for massaging their bodies. 

Another great property of the oil is that it’s light and not too greasy, so your skin doesn’t feel sticky when you use the oil as a moisturizer. You can use it irrespective of your skin type, be it sensitive, dry or oily.

  1. Apply it to extra dry spots

We all have those extra dry spots like our elbows and feet that look dry and shabby. try nourishing them with Almond Oil. If you find yourself scratching your flaky skin, Almond oil can help with that as well. Likewise, if your lips are dry and chapped, use sweet Almond oil to lock in the moisture for soft, plump lips!

The fatty acids in Sweet Almond oil help the skin retain moisture while the Vitamin E soothes irritation caused by dryness. The zinc content of the oil helps smoothen rough, calloused skin. For this reason, Almond oil has also been used to treat dry skin conditions, including eczema and psoriasis.

  1. Used as a facial cleanser

For most of us, the idea of cleansing the face with oil is shocking. But research has found that oil cleansing is beneficial for your skin and Sweet Almond oil is one of the best oils to use for the cleanup. 

Oil cleansing works on the concept ‘like dissolves like’ and helps you get rid of stubborn impurities, excess sebum, and dead skin. It also helps in opening up the clogged pores. It is recommended to use mild face cleanser for all skin types after oil cleansing to get rid of any oil residue from the skin.

  1. Lighten your scars and marks

Did you know that zinc present in Almond oil is an essential nutrient for healing acne scars? A study revealed that Almond Oil is an effective treatment of stretch marks and acne scars due to its unique composition. For this reason, pregnant women are advised to use Sweet Almond oil to massage themselves to prevent stretch marks and to get rid of skin irritation.

  1. Reduce puffiness and under-eye circles

Did you know that Almond oil has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties? These properties of Almond oil make it an ideal solution for reducing the puffiness under the eyes and lightening the dark circles. Almond oil also has retinol, Vitamin E, and Vitamin K that soothes the skin under the eyes and reduces the appearance of fine lines around the eyes.

  1. Reduce the appearance of acne

Does the idea of using oil to reduce acne seem ridiculous? It’s not. We’ve talked about how ‘like dissolves like’ and there are studies supporting Almond oil’s ability to dissolve excess sebum from your skin! You can use it as a cleanser for your skin to prevent acne caused by the build-up of sebum.

Another reason to use Almond oil for acne is that it is rich in retinoids. Retinoids are a class of compounds derived from Vitamin A, and they are a popular ingredient in anti-acne topical creams. Why are retinoids used for preventing acne? It’s because they have the unique ability to unclog the pores from dirt and excess sebum. 

Simply soak a cotton ball in Almond oil and use it to clean your face. Follow up with a natural cleanser to remove any oil residue.

  1. Soothe flaking and itching of the scalp

The most common hair health problem is the build-up of dead cells in the scalp. This build-up not only results in flaking, itching, and dandruff but also inhibits the growth of healthy hair. 

Almond oil is extremely hydrating and nourishing. When you massage your scalp with almond oil, the dead cells loosen their grip from the scalp and can be easily washed out. This also helps in preventing and treating dry scalp conditions such as (seborrheic dermatitis) and scalp psoriasis.

The emollient properties of Almond oil also help in softening and removing the dead skin cells from the scalp. Simply massage Almond oil into your scalp and let it sit for at least an hour before a bath. You can even leave it overnight for maximum results.

  1. Promote hair growth

One of the essential nutrients associated with hair growth is Biotin, also known as Vitamin H. It’s a derivative of Vitamin B that’s prescribed to people who suffer from problems such as thinning of hair. 

Almond Oil contains Biotin, and massaging your hair with almond oil is an effective way to provide your hair with a healthy dose of Biotin to promote hair growth and reduce hair thinning. Some people take Biotin supplements to make their hair thicker, but you can get similar benefits by applying Almond oil to your hair as well.

  1. Strengthens and repairs hair

The lubricating properties of almond oil make our hair less prone to damage. The oleic acid and linoleic acid present in the oil improves the resilience of the hair. In contrast, the Vitamin E present in the oil is an antioxidant that helps in combating the environmental stress in the hair. So, for younger and healthier hair, massage your hair regularly with sweet Almond oil.

14. Body Massage and Aromatherapy

For thousands of years, Almond oil has been used to soothe, soften, and repair the skin. Its special warming qualities make it ideal for massage, especially for dry skin. Whenever you feel like your body needs some relaxation and your skin needs a healthy dose of hydration, you can practice self-massage with Almond Oil.

The rich Vitamin E content of Sweet Almond Oil helps repair skin collagen and maintains the smoothness and elasticity of the skin. 

Massaging the body with Sweet Almond oil is beneficial not only for adults but also for infants. Ensure the Sweet Almond oil that you use is 100% pure and organic for the best results.

Almond oil used for aromatherapy as a carrier oil because it has nutty aroma, light texture and absorbed easily into the skin.

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