20.00 $40.00 $

Rucola seed oil

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20.00 $40.00 $

  • Scientific name: Eruca Sativa, family Brassicaceae
  • Synonyms: Arugula and also as Rocket in English
  • Parts used: seeds
  • Method of extraction: cold pressed
  • Appearance: Pale yellow to green liquid
  • Purity: 100%
  • Main active ingredients : Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA), Vitamin K, Vitamin A and Calcium
  • Main uses: improve digestion, increase immunity, aphrodisiac, increase male potency, antioxidant, improve anemia, increase milk for lactation women, improve blood sugar, normalize blood pressure, improve eye health, protect genitourinary system from diseases, improve skin health and hair health.
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Rucola oil is extracted from the seeds of Eruca Sativa, family Brassicaceae, through Cold pressing method. It Is native to Egypt, and also wildly cultivated in India, Pakistan and Other parts of Asia. It is also known as Arugula and also as Rocket in English. Rucola oil, like the plant itself, contains alkaloids and flavonoids, which provide it with a bright taste and aroma. The oil from the plant can be used not only as a dietary supplement, but also as one of the components of homemade face and hair masks, nail strengthening and nourishing body cream. . It was also used in Traditional medicine to improve bone health and provide anti-bacterial protection.

Chemical composition

Rucola oil is rich in vitamin A,B vitamins, vitamin C,vitamin K, vitamin E and folate .and also some essential minerals like magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, iron, potassium , selenium, copper and  magnesium.

In addition, It also contains tannins that cleanse the skin well, as well as flavonoids, which have anti-inflammatory effect.

  • Alpha-lipoic acid (ALA): This antioxidant is present in high levels in arugula. It can improve glucose transport into cells (thus lowering blood sugar and A1C), promote good eye health, and prevent neuropathic complications of diabetes.
  • Vitamin K: Can improve bone health and prevent fractures. Vitamin K helps your body absorb calcium, and may even reduce insulin resistance in older adults.
  • Vitamin A: This antioxidant promotes eye and skin health and supports the immune system
  • Calcium: For healthy bones and may help regulate glucose metabolism.


  1. Improve the condition of the digestive tract and nervous system.
  2. To increase the body’s resistance to viral and other diseases. Therefore, in some countries, this plant is started to be consumed at the end of summer and early autumn, in order to exclude infection with seasonal cold and flu.
  3. Increase male potency, and avoid an enlarged prostate gland. And used as aphrodisiac. Rucola can increase Nitric Oxide ,“Nitric Oxide is one of the key ingredients in developing a good erection because It increases blood flow to the genitals and is essential in maintaining an erection. “Many of our currently available medical therapies focus on this.”
  4. To prevent cancer because it is high in antioxidants. Rucola contains isothiocyanate compounds such as sulforaphane and erucin that may reduce the risk of several different kinds of cancer and decrease inflammation and oxidative stress in the body.
  5. Heal chronic ulcers and gastritis.
  6. Reduce and stabilize blood sugar levels, as well as eliminate the possibility of diabetes. Vitamin K may also play a role in improving glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity, as well as preventing type 2 diabetes overall. The high amounts of vitamin A present in Rucola may also be helpful in regulating insulin release. Sulforaphane can also improve insulin response.
  7. Increase the amount of milk in women while nursing a baby.
  8. To help the body absorb iron faster, which, in turn, will relieve anemia and low hemoglobin levels.
  9. Prevent diseases of the genitourinary system.
  10. Normalize blood pressure.
  1. Rucola is high in lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants important for eye health. Since eye problems are a very real risk in diabetes, consuming lots of lutein and zeaxanthin may help reduce your risk of blindness, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other devastating vision issues.

Rucola Oil for skin

Rucola oil will help get rid of freckles, age spots, corns and warts. Also, it is used to reduce the activity of the sebaceous glands. Rucola oil has anti-inflammatory characteristics, so it is used to disinfect wounds and other inflammations.

Regular use of this herb will make the skin of the face smooth, velvet, cleansed from acne and inflamed areas, bleached and elastic.

There are several recipes for masks to help get rid of skin problems:

  1.  To get rid of pigmentation is to apply Rucola oil directly to the spot with a defect. For this, a moistened cotton pad is applied and glued with a plaster overnight.
  2. To rejuvenate the face, a mask is used: mix 100 ml of Rucola oil and 0.1 kg of finely chopped olives. This mask is applied for half an hour and then washed off with water at room temperature.
  3. To clean the skin from makeup, Rucola oil is applied to a cotton pad and wipe the face. Then wait a minute and wash off with a wet or dry cotton pad. The oil can dissolve even the most resistant cosmetics and cleanse the skin.

Rucola Oil for hair

The healing properties of rucola have already been appreciated by many people from around the world. Plant oil is used as a hair care product to:

  • to nourish the follicles and hair follicles with vitamins;
  • strengthen curls and restore their structure;
  • moisten and protect strands from the negative effects of the environment;
  • normalize sebum production;
  • get rid of dandruff and seborrhea.

Effective masks with Rucola oil for hair:

  1. To strengthen the hair, it is necessary to heat 30 ml of  Rucola oil and rub it into the roots of the curls for 10-15 minutes. Then leave for a quarter of an hour and at the end rinse with warm water.
  2. To prevent hair loss, you can mix 30 ml of almond oil and 30 ml of Rucola oil. Then apply with massaging movements on the scalp. An hour later, you need to wash the strands with water.
  3. To get rid of dandruff, you need to combine in equal quantities (30 ml) broccoli extract and Rucola oil. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair for 60 minutes, then thoroughly washed with water.

After a few procedures, many women note that their hair has become softer, acquired a natural shine, itching and dandruff are gone.

Disadvantages of using

  • The use of a large amount of Rucola during pregnancy can negatively affect the tone of the uterus and lead to miscarriage.
  • The plant has a predominantly burning taste, so it is not recommended to use it for people with a stomach ulcer, gastritis and an increased level of acidity.
  • Large amounts of Rucola oil can lead to an allergic reaction, i.e., because of the phytoncides it contains, individual intolerance to the components may occur.
  • It is better to refuse the use of Rucola oil if the person has diseases of kidneys and a liver.

You should not take Rucola if a person has a chronic illness.

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